KASZ+ Creative Workshop

Steel Sculptural Symposium of Kecskemét

The K-ARTS own annually workshop, the Steel Sculptural Symposium of Kecskemét, have been organizing since 2004 in every summer. Which is a metal sculptural and fine arts creative workshop, organized at the steel structure manufacturing facility of KÉSZ Industrial Park. The first workshop in 2004 organized by the KÉSZ Gmbh in their own industrial facility, but since 2008 the K-ARTS Art Foundation carry on this project and organizing the art symposium with extendent content. The location is permanent and the technical background is constantly evolving at the KÉSZ Industrial Park’s area.

In the last few years, the KASZ creative workshop has deliberately started to open towards the other branches of Fine Art next to the further development of the special Steel Sculpture. Since 2013 many artists, graphicals and photographers has gained advantages of this opportunity, therefore, they are able to enrich our Symposium with illustrious imaging artworks. We believe beyond the sculptury the that the special atmosphere of the industrial environment gives inspiration and inspired moments to the artists to be able to enhance the diversity of the KASZ with their paintings, photos and graphics.

Besides young and talented artists, the works of experienced prize-winning creators are also included in this project and they given an opportunity to participate in this special creative workshop, but we are also open to foreign artists who work with steel. The hungarian and foreign artists participating in the workshop have the opportunity to test their skills and create their sculptures, metal sculptures and pictures using the materials and tools made available for them. In the creative workshop, the artists can test their abilities in industrial conditions, using various materials and tools provided by the foundation to create their sculptures, metal creations and graphic arts.

The special works which created here are exhibited each year at a large exhibition. During the past two decades, the KASZ+ -based artworks and collaborators have been invited to numerous events and renowned exhibitions. Due to several years of successful operation of this creative workshop, KÉSZ Holding has been able to build up a contemporary collection of fine arts, is handeling by K-ARTS Art Foundation. Over the years the sculptures and sculptures have been supplemented with photographs and paintings.

So far the following artists have participated in the creative workshops:

Gyula Baditz, József Tamás Balázs (Bajóta), Péter Balázs, Márton Barabás, Zsófi Barabás, Fábián Baráth, Andor Becskei, Iván Berlekovity, Marek Brzózka, György Buczkó, Imre Bukta, Sibylle Burrer (Germany), Lili Cseh, Balázs Csepregi, Szilárd Cseke, Lajos Csertő, Eszter Csurka, Ágnes Deli, Dóra Vanda Demcsák, Bianka Dobó, Emese Dóra, István Drabik, Tamás Drabik, Balázs Duronelly, Zsolt Ecsedi, Ágnes Eperjesi, Kalle Eriksson (Norway), Ágost Koppány Erős, Apolka Erős, István Erőss, Albrecht Fersch (Germany), Máté Fock, Anne-Karin Furunes (Norway), Yusuke Fukui (Japan), Gábor Fülöp, Endre Gaál, Tamás Gaál, Annamária Gáspár, Pál Gerber, Réka Gergely, Margit Gerle, Tamás Gilly, Dariusz Gwizdala, Jóna Gudvardardóttir (Iceland), Ágoston Mihály Gyurcsovics, Ferenc Hack, Ágnes Hardi, Nedim Hadziahmetovic (Serbia), Levente Herman, Collin Hope (New Zealand), Ágnes Horváth, Wu Juan (Taiwan), Markus Kåhre (Finland), Roland Kazi, Sándor Kecskeméti, Tamás Kis, Gábor Király, Tamás Kopasz, Péter Korompai, Tamás László Kovács, Tibor Kovács, Márk Titusz Kosik, Hilda Kozári (Finland), Tsai Kun-Lin (Taiwan), Bea Kusovszky, Pál Sándor Lakatos, Lata Upadhyaya (India-UK), Gyula Majoros, Lili Zsófia Majoros, Áron Zsolt Majoros, Attila Mata, Éva Mayer, Péter Mátyási, Meghan Salgaonkar (India), Tamás Mosonyi, Csaba Nagy, Dániel Nagy, Marcell Dániel Németh, Norman White (Canada), István Orosz, Mihály Parizán, Park Jang Keun (South-Korea), Katja Pál (Slovenia), Brigitta Péntek, Antal Plank, Balázs Pintér, Lilla Piszmán, Brigitta Péntek, Ágnes Péter, Liu Po-Chun (Taiwan), Attila Pokorny, Lilla von Puttkamer (Germany), Judit Rita Rabóczky, Attila Rajcsók, Gábor Roskó, Samira Sinai (Iran), Oliver Šin, Marica Sipos, András Szabó (Romania), Ádám Szabó, György Szabó, Ottó Szabó Robotto (Switzerland), Borbála Szanyi, György Szász, Nóra Szirmai, József Szurcsik, Béla Tettamanti, Ádám Tettamanti, Dominika Dalma Tóth, József Tóth, Kata Töttös, Klára Tundó, Zsuzsa Ujj, Péter Ujházi, Gábor Ulrich, Ágnes Uray, Éva Varga, Elisabeth Varga (Netherlands), Ágnes Verebics, Zsolt Vinczellér, András Wahorn, Mamikon Yengibarian (Armenia), Tibor Zielinski, Ildikó Zsemlye