Exhibition of Zsófi Barabás at the Gallery of Deák Erika


The long-awaited exhibition of our dear KASZ+ artist, Zsófi Barabás, entitled  "Kihajtogatott mozdulat" (UNFOLDED MOVEMENT) will open soon at the Gallery of Deák Erika.

"The very typical characteristics of the organic forms appearing on her paintings are refracted by geometric elements, her self-referential works are recognizable by their simplicity, the recurring repertory of colors and shapes, their unique and elaborated surfaces, the monochrome palette and the drawing quality of the fine lines. Barabás’ paintings are unquestionably contemporary even though she uses the traditional formal language of the abstract painting. Her oil and acrylic paintings are as subjective and intuitive, as they are methodic and systematic. They eternalize the moment of a temporary state just like a fluid form that rises above and takes shape in a lava lamp, to continuously transform into a new form that never existed before. The transforming moments of motion appear on her images and seem to be constantly pulsating."

We are proud to have been able to collaborate with the artist on several occasions: she participated in our creative camp last year and in this case we collaborated in the execution and delivery of two works for the exhibition which will open in the coming days. In the KASZ+ creative camp of 2019 the artist had opportunity to unfold her works and think further in space. It was also an extremely exciting and challenging project for us and our contributing staff too, because we had to be transformed to steel sculptures the special geometric, non-figurative lines characteristic of the paintings of Zsófi Barabás.

Although the opening will be held behind closed doors with a live opening speech and virtual tour broadcasted on Facebook. The documentation of the entire exhibition will be available on the gallery’s website and can be visited during limited opening hours in compliance with all necessary safety regulations.

Online opening: May 28, 2020, Thursday, 6 PM
Opening speech: Imre Bak, artist
On view: May 29 – September 19, 2020
Opening hours: Thursday-Friday, from 11 AM to 3 PM or by appointment

Source: http://www.deakerikagaleria.hu/index.php/kiallitasok/kiallitas-2020/item/148-