
A compilation exhibition of K-ARTS Arts Collection – Komárno, Limes Gallery

Our foundation got an invitation from Slovakia, Komárno. We made an assortion from the steel sculptures and reliefs of our collection for the debut. The exhibition was held at the former military church, the Limes Gallery. At the opening, art historian Katalin Nagy T. recommended the works of art to the visitors. Zsolt Németh colored the event with jazz tunes.

Thanks to the Hungarian Fine Arts Association of the Hungarian-inhabited Regions of Slovakia and the Pro Arte Danubií Civil Society.

At the exhibition, which can be viewed until mid-October, the audience can see the works of the following, among others: Márton Barabás, Andor Becskei, Iván Berlekovity, Imre Bukta, Bianka Dobó, István Drabik, Szilárd Cseke, Zsolt Ecsedi, Ágnes Eperjesi, Apolka Erős, Réka Gergely, Pál Gerber, Margit Gerle, Jóna Gudvardardóttir (Iceland), Nedim Hadziahmetovic (Serbia), Collin Hope (New Zealand), Tamás Kopasz, Péter Korompai, Zsolt Áron Majoros, Gyula Majoros, Balázs Magyari, Attila Mata, Péter Mátyási, Antal Plank, Balázs Pintér, Attila Pokorny, Judit Rabóczky, Meghan Salgaonkar (India), Ottó Szabó, Judit Szilvási, Nóra Szirmai, József Szurcsik, Béla Tettamanti, Zsuzsanna Ujj, Lata Upadhyaya (Great Britain).