The KÉSZ Group has been a committed supporter of culture and art for several decades. In 2017, he launched the K-ARTS Art Foundation, whose mission is to promote domestic contemporary fine art working with steel and other industrial materials both in Hungary and abroad. To date, the foundation has created a significant contemporary fine and applied art collection, which currently includes more than 500 works of art. This constantly evolving contemporary collection consists primarily of metal sculptures, installations, and graphics, photographs, and paintings.
The Hegyvidék Gallery presents a selection from this unique and diverse corporate private collection, continuing its initiative to draw attention to important domestic private collections, since in addition to public collections, the private sector also plays a significant role in cultural transmission.
Exhibiting artists:
BALÁZS Péter / BARABÁS Márton / CSEKE Szilárd / DOBÓ Bianka / DÓRA Emese / DRABIK István / EPERJESI Ágnes / GERLE Margit / Jóna GUDVARDARDÓTTIR / GYURCSOVICS Mihály Ágoston / KAZI Roland / MAJOROS Áron Zsolt / MAJOROS Gyula / MÁTYÁSI Péter / OROSZ István / PÁL Katja / SZABÓ Ádám / SZIRMAI Nóra / TETTAMANTI Béla
IRON WORKS - exhibition at the Hegyvidék Gallery, October 5–28, 2023.