IRON WORLD - Selection exhibition, B32 Gallery


We have opened a new exhibition of artefacts created in last year's creative camp (KASZ+ 2023 - XX. Kecskemét Steel Sculpture and Fine Arts Symposium), this time in B32 Gallery in Budapest. After the previous year's presentation in Kecskemét, the exhibition material was shown in Helsinki at the beginning of 2024. Now the audience can watch another compilation. Artists included in the exhibition: Yusuke Fukui (Japan), Kalle Eriksson, Anne-Karin Furunes (Norway), Markus Kåhre, Hilda Kozári (Finland), Lilla von Puttkamer (Germany), Robotto Szabo Ottó (Switzerland), Gábor Király, Gyula Majoros ( Hungary).

Many people came to the opening on August 14. The exhibition was opened by art historian Katalin T. Nagy, and Gyula Majoros played the electric clarinet as a musical accompaniment.

The exhibition can be viewed until September 12, 2024, on weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

B32 Gallery, Budapest, Bartók Béla út 32.