time: From 30 May, 2022 to 16 June, 2022
location: Kecskemét, KÉSZ Industrial and Innovation Park, steel and metal structure production industrial base
On 30 May, 2022 we opened KASZ+ 2022 – XIX. XIX. Steel Sculptural and Fine Arts Symposium of Kecskemét, metal arts workshop. We are organizing our nineteenth creative camp despite the pandemic, the turmoil in our world and many tensions.
Our creative workshop can be considered as a one-of-a-kind event. There are few sites where operational technologies are available, and an industrial environment provides a special background for creation. It may be unusual for the artists who come to us, but this environment is still suitable for inspiration. Getting in the middle of industrial activities and processes is not an everyday treat, and, in addition, the technical equipment park provides rare opportunities for innovative ideas and the shaping of individual structures. To leave the lockdown caused by the epidemic, to release creative energies – this is what the creators will be able to do now.
KASZ's creative workshop is a bridge between metal sculpture and other branches of fine arts. Many painters, artists and photographers have taken advantage of the opportunity to enrich the symposium with excellent pieces of art in the field of pictorial arts and the object genre as well. Good relations can be established between artists, knowledge can be expanded, and it can be useful to learn about working methods and practices, and to exchange ideas. Our nineteenth creative camp was opened with the participation of eight artists in the Kecskemét KÉSZ Industrial and Innovation Park.
Artists of the KASZ+ 2022: Lili Cseh sculptor ● Tamás Drabik sculptor ● Koppány Ágost Erős sculptor ● Annamária Gáspár artist ● Ágoston Mihály Gyurcsovics sculptor ● Bea Kusovszky artist ● Gyula Majoros artist ● Ádám Tettamanti artist.
As it has become our custom in previous years, we would like to bring a non-exclusive creative theme to the attention of our artists, which is:
In our overpopulated, extremely rapidly changing world, it is increasingly difficult to accurately represent reality. Realistic perception is accompanied by our lives in the virtual space. We are organized into different worlds that coexist, and we believe in different theories and principles. We tolerate or not tolerate our environment, other people, different views. We exhibit ourselves in different languages, and different cultures and traditions influence our destiny. Many realities that coexist and embody our civilization.
We believe that this special industrial creative space provides all participants with the right conditions for innovative approaches and successful creation.