This Data Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is prepared for information of the Data Subjects
relating to the personal data processed by K-ARTS Művészeti Alapítvány, as a company that is part of KÉSZ Csoport (hereinafter referred to as “Company/Controller”) during its business-related or administrative activities based on Regulation No. 2016/679/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (“GDPR” or “Regulation”), in particular Articles 13 and 14 thereof.
Controller of the website
- Name of the controller: K-ARTS Művészeti Alapítvány
- Registered seat / Postal address: 6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 8/b., KÉSZ Ipari Park
Currently valid data of the Controller, to be checked by inputting the name or other data suitable for identification (company registration number, VAT registration number) of the Controller, are available free of charge in the public register on
Considering the uniform nature of the data management procedures of the companies of KÉSZ Csoport, the provisions of the declaration valid across all companies thereof (hereinafter referred to as “Group Declaration”), available at the following link, are duly applicable to the Company:
Should you wish to know more about the data processing of the Controller or exercise the rights contained in this Policy, you may do so by contacting us via one of the following channels:
- postal address: KÉSZ Csoport, H-1095 Budapest, Mester u. 87.;
- e-mail address:;
- website:
Budapest, 2020. december 10.